
你是否落后于当前的商业网络安全标准? Discover what your colleagues in the business world are using to keep their organizations secure. 

网络安全在商业b| 意图管理

The absolute biggest mistake companies make about cybersecurity is to assume that they don’t need it and that they are not a target. Or even worse, they think they are already protected, without taking any steps to ensure they are.

事实是:不管你的公司有多大, 或者你在哪个行业工作, 你是网络罪犯的目标. 

你不能指望自己受到保护. You have to make an effort to keep your defenses up to date and prepared to fend off the ever-evolving range of weapons in use by cybercriminals today. 


根据… Okta最近的一项研究, tens of thousands of businesses worldwide demonstrate an ongoing commitment to enhancing their cybersecurity. They noted a few trends in the types of technologies being more commonly adopted, which include…

端点检测 & 管理

仅靠基本的网络安全技术已经不够了, 这就是为什么企业正在投资于更复杂的解决方案. 首先,让我们考虑一下消费者级杀毒软件. 

安装防病毒软件进行用户级保护, 即端点保护, and is designed to detect and block a virus or malware from taking root on a user’s computer, 或者更糟, 访问用户所连接的网络.

因为防病毒功能有限, 它还没有准备好应对一系列现代网络犯罪威胁:


An antivirus’ ability to spot threats is dependent on prior knowledge of those threats. As cybercriminals evolve their attack methods, they can easily circumvent basic antivirus defenses. 


再一次。, the signature-based tools that antivirus software relies on can be negated by employing malware that avoids known signatures. 


Antivirus programs can’t spot a threat when it’s disguised as a harmless document. 


通过在内存中执行它的进程, 恶意软件可以避免被只扫描文件的防病毒程序发现. 


网络犯罪分子还可以在加密流量中隐藏他们的活动, 防止你的杀毒软件注意到它们. 

关键是,仅靠杀毒软件本身是不足以保护你的. The best way to improve your cyber defenses is with a comprehensive and reliable Endpoint Detection And Response (EDR) solution. EDR is an emerging technology that addresses the need for continuous monitoring and response to advanced threats.

这是一项至关重要的服务,可以保护笔记本电脑等端点, 台式电脑, 智能手机, 平板电脑, 服务器, 以及虚拟环境. Endpoint protection may also include antivirus and antimalware, web filtering, and more.


不管你在办公室里有什么样的网络安全, 它不会扩展到可以访问你数据的移动设备. 

这是你的网络安全软件的一个关键限制, and it’s obvious when you think about it—if your firewall is only installed on your work devices, but you let employees use personal devices and home workstations to access business data, 那么显然你不会完全安全, and you’ll be left open to critical vulnerabilities that will only be more common in the coming years:

  • Lost or stolen devices can do major damage to you, leading to compromised data and lost work. 
  • Unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots and other vulnerabilities allow intruders inside your private network. 
  • 移动设备正成为网络罪犯的更大目标, 谁使用恶意软件和其他方法攻击智能手机和平板电脑.

This is why more and more businesses are implementing 移动设备管理 (MDM) 政策 and solutions. They dictate how your employees can use their personal devices for work purposes, 指示应该安装哪些安全应用程序, 以及需要遵循哪些最佳实践. 

An effective MDM policy should also instill safe and secure practices for employees that use personal devices for business purposes. 要点包括:


整合到你的内部网络中, 这些设备可以用来访问, 商店, 传输, 接收业务数据.

You’ll need to have 政策 in place to regulate how employees use their devices to interact with sensitive data. 花点时间考虑与移动设备使用相关的风险, 例如,包含业务数据的设备可能会丢失或被盗, 感染了恶意软件, or the potential for accidental disclosure of confidential information through sharing a device with a family member or connecting to an unsecured wireless network. 


A risk analysis will help you identify vulnerabilities in your security infrastructure, 并帮助你确定安全措施, 政策, 还有你需要的程序.
Whether the devices in question are personal devices or provided by your IT consulting in Florida, you will still need to have a clear idea of how they’re being used to communicate with your internal network and systems.

应定期进行评估, 尤其是在新设备被授予访问权限之后, 设备丢失或被盗, 或者有人怀疑存在安全漏洞.


Policies that are designed for mobile devices will help you manage risks and vulnerabilities specific to these devices.

These 政策 should include processes for identifying all devices being used to access business data, routinely checking that all devices have the correct security and configuration settings in place, 员工是否可以使用移动设备访问内部系统, 员工是否可以将工作设备带回家, and how you will go about deactivating or revoking the access of staff members who are no longer employed.


Maintaining mobile security isn’t just about having the right apps—it means following the right protocols, 消除未知变量,保持安全冗余:

  1. 定期检查已安装的应用程序并删除未使用的应用程序.
  2. 在安装和更新时检查应用程序权限.
  3. Enable Auto Update, so that identified security risks are eliminated as quickly as possible.
  4. 将数据备份到云或辅助设备(或两者都有).


Everyone on your staff should be educated on how best to use mobile devices to avoid costly security errors. Your safeguards can’t protect you or your clients if your staff doesn’t understand your 政策 and procedures, 缺乏对安全最佳实践的基本把握.

你的整个团队都应该学会如何保护他们的设备, 如何保护业务数据, 风险是什么?, 以及如何避免常见的安全错误.


Security based on advanced algorithms that can adapt and learn creates a system that can become familiar with the normal patterns associated with each user and device, 快速发现这些模式中的异常.

Essentially, something known as a neural net can be used in cybersecurity efforts. 基于鲁棒算法, the neural net can “learn” to spot patterns of data associated with previously identified and classified spear phishing emails. 

通过将这项技术整合到电子邮件客户端的垃圾邮件过滤器中, the filter will be able to spot fraudulent incoming emails and eliminate them before they reach the recipient. 

One of the best parts about neural nets is that they continue to learn and improve the more that they are used. 有越来越多的数据可供参考, this Artificial Intelligence will become more and more accurate in doing its job. 投资人工智能技术至关重要, 因为机器可以更快地对这些攻击做出反应. 


Don’t let your cybersecurity suffer, and don’t assume you have to handle it all on your own. 我们的团队可以提供帮助 你评估你的网络安全,并制定一个计划来保护你的数据. 

By 杰夫·拉普,MSCE (俄亥俄州马西隆办公室)